When we first met Grace she was just a girl with an obsession with the wolves who lived in the woods outside her house. When we first met Sam he was a guy and a wolf. When Grace and Sam met, the rest, as they say, is history.
But it isn't. Along the way, we've added Isabel and Cole to our story and Grace is now a wolf. Sam's agenda is to save the wolves from the planned hunt that will wipe them all out.
Meanwhile, Cole's working hard to find a cure at the risk of his own health. Can he find a cure? Will
Sam, Grace, Cole, and Isabel save the wolves in time?
What I thought: Well, it's always nice to see a series end--that is, to have an conclusion. I LOVED
Shiver when I first read it. I had a more lukewarm reaction to
Linger. I must admit that I found
Forever lacking. It came across as lackluster. The great Sam and Grace
romance wasn't there and even Isabel and Cole's blossoming love-hate relationship couldn't make up for it. Fans of the series will like the book. Me, I prefer to pretend that
Shiver was the only book. The story didn't feel done. I wanted to know more about Cole and Isabel.
(Scholastic, July 2011. ARC provided by publisher)