Friday, June 28, 2013

#FlannelFriday: Beatrix Potter's Animals

After I did my first Peter Rabbit & Friends Party, I knew I needed a way to both introduce all the little books by Beatrix Potter and talk about Peter Rabbit's friends. The flannel board seemed the logical place to turn. I reviewed Potter's books and came up with this list of animals: rabbits, squirrels, mice (and rats), hedgehogs, dogs, cats, ducks, foxes, pigs, badgers, and frogs. I decided not to make a rat because they look so similar to mice. I used coloring pages from Super Coloring as templates. Puff paint details as usual.

Here's how I use this set: I place each animal on the board asking the children what it is. After they respond, I mention the books by Beatrix Potter in which each animal appears. As the children leave, I give them a Beatrix Potter book list that is separated into animal categories.


Kathryn said...

Such a clever idea! I love Peter Rabbit and Benjamin Bunny and Jemima Puddleduck...

Bridget R. Wilson said...

Thanks, Kathryn!