These crocheted monster magnets are some of the first storytime props I created. I made up the pattern myself. The pompom noses give them a Sesame Street air.
I also created some rhymes to go along with them.
Five Little Monsters (Counting UP)
One little monster is lonely Two little monsters are friends
Three little monsters are company
Four little monsters make a singing quartet
Five little monsters have quite a party
[Bridget R. Wilson]
Five Little Monsters (Counting DOWN)
Five little monsters dancing around
One fell down & then there were four
Four Little monsters running a race
One ran away & then there were three
Three Little monsters playing games
One lost his turn & then there were two
Two little monsters reading by firelight
One got scared & that left one
One little monster having no fun
He went home & then there were none!
[Bridget R. Wilson]
I like to use my monsters in October, but also when I do library themed storytimes or have school groups visit the library. With this in mind, I also wrote some monster rhymes library style.
5 Little Monsters (Library Style)
5 little monsters visiting the library
1 checks out a book of poems & that leaves 44 little monsters visiting the library
1 checks out a book about dogs & that leaves 3
3 little monsters visiting the library
1 checks out a book of fairy tales & that leaves 2
2 little monsters visiting the library
1 checks out a book about dinosaurs & that leaves 1
1 little monster visiting the library
He checks out a book of jokes & that leaves NONE!
[Bridget R. Wilson]
This Little Monster (Library Style)
This little monster says, “’one more story, please!”
This little monster likes books about rabbits.
This little monster says, “I’d rather read about ogres.”
This little monster likes books about dragons.
This little monster says, “Oh dear! There’s a dragon in the library!”
[Bridget R. Wilson]
A bonus this week! I have a recent library school graduate interning with me to gain more experience as she continues to seek a position. She recently went on an interview and didn't have a flannel board or any felt sets. She's using Mo Willems as her theme so I made her a travel flannel board and a set of monsters and pigs. I used the patterns Erin at Falling Flannelboards so kindly posted. I changed up the colors a little. I'll be making a set for myself one of these days.
Kay has the round up this week.
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