Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Trollbridge by Jane Yolen & Adam Stemple

Yolen, Jane and Adam Stemple. Trollbridge: A Rock ‘n’ Roll Fairy Tale. New York: Starscape, 2006.

Moira doesn’t want to be a Dairy Princess. She’d much rather play her harp. But her mother thinks being one of the twelve dairy princesses will increase her notoriety. Moira grits her teeth and bears the photo shoots and appearances until the day the princesses have a photo session on the Trollholm Bridge. The troll king kidnaps the girls. They will be wives for his sons. Only Moira escapes being drugged into a deep sleep. With the help of a mysterious fox, she hopes to free the other girls and return home.

Meanwhile, the Griffson Brothers (Galen, Erik, and Jakob) are on vacation from their life as teen pop singers. They find themselves in troll world as well. Not as wives, but as dinner. Jakob escapes his captors to join Moira in her plan to rescue the other girls and now his brothers. Will they succeed?

What I thought: I like the use of familiar fairy tales (Three Billy Goats Gruff and Twelve Dancing Princesses). However, Yolen and Stemple make their own original fairy tale with this book. For some reason, the Griffson Brother reminded me of the Jonas Brother. Moira and Jakob are likeable, creative characters. As always, the songs are great.

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