
Friday, November 1, 2013

Flannel Friday: Owls

I used a pattern I found on the Bugs and Fishes by Lupin Blog. I made twelve only because that's how many fallish colors I had to use for bodies. I'll only be using five or ten at a time, but I like options. These a small and five will fit on my small handheld flannel board. All felt, no puff paint, just a lot of hot glue and a few burnt fingers.

This is the third set of owls I've made. The first was back in 2010 and they were crocheted. The second set was last summer during the "Dream Big--Read" 2012 Summer Reading Program. This blog post shows a picture of both those sets.

Lisa has the round up this week.

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Our Flannel Friday Fairy Godmother is Anna (@opinionsbyanna).